Climate Change Resilience and adaption

Our environmental preservation and climate change resilience interventions target both youth and adults neighbouring disaster prone and protected areas. The main objective is to improve biodiversity conservation and sustainable, climate-resilient use of natural resources in and around protected areas. Our Model-is built on assumption that environmental preservation and climate change solutions can only be accelerated by individuals, communities and stakeholders taking collective action towards solutions, which include conservation, mitigation, adaptation, and innovation.
Our climate change resilience activities including climate smart agriculture are aimed at promoting nature friendly and inclusive economic growth and decent jobs for both adults and youth. We carry out climate change and environmental protection literacy programs for awareness creation in both schools (clubs) and communities (dialogues) especially those around fragile ecosystems and protect areas. We actively promote and advocate for creation of more nature friendly alternative employment and income generating opportunities for youth and adults prioritizing marginalized groups neighbouring protected areas and schools. We train to equip the youth living around natural forests and schools with the skills and knowledge to produce energy-efficient cookers out of domestic waste materials for income generation while reducing the demand for wood fuel, vocational and business training for self-employment and gardening. We have trained and supported various groups of out of school youth and young women to practice apiary, fish farming, and permaculture and mushroom growing as proven sustainable and climate change resilient practices.
Our programming highly values active community and local government participation and engagement from activity planning to implementation and ensures beneficiary participation in program monitoring. We deploy community led and driven approaches to mobilize, facilitate and enable target communities to effectively participate in design of locally led community resilience and sustainable protected areas management practices.